
Memory Blog

Memorise new words, memorise a dictionary

Memorise new words, memorise a dictionary

This blog is for me to organise my thoughts on the why and how of a new potential project – memorise new words and learn the Macquarie Dictionary. 😊 Ok, why memorise a...

Neuroscience and memory

Neuroscience and memory

Neuroscience and Memory Athletes - Neuroscientists are discovering more about what happens when our brain revisits a memory. Their findings are right on target with what memory...

The inevitable decline of aging – just say no

The inevitable decline of aging – just say no

I’m turning 45 this year. I have 3 teenage kids. I often feel there are not enough hours in the week to do everything I want to do. Not enough time to spend looking after and...

Making the jump from simple lists to useful stuff

Making the jump from simple lists to useful stuff

Using Memory Techniques to actually improve your life. There is a common pattern I see with many people first learning memory techniques – joy followed by despair. First there is...

Memory Palaces – Long term vs Short term

Memory Palaces – Long term vs Short term

Recently I was on the ABC podcast “All in The Mind” with Sana Qadar. You can listen to "The making of a magnificent memory" here. One of the topics we touched on was learning for...

Memorizing terminology for movement

Memorizing terminology for movement

Different learning objectives need different mnemonic strategies. Which one to use depends on what you are learning and your own best learning method. Regardless of if you are...

Can I re-use a memory palace?

Can I re-use a memory palace?

Memory palaces are fantastic for toolkits for your brain, but for those who are new to them, sometimes they can be a little confusing. I’m often asked: ‘How do you re-use memory...